Seminars and Retreats

The cross of Jesus Christ is the foundation of our message. We want to invite people to a genuine, close relationship with God. We visit churches and speak at seminars and training days, teaching on various subjects such as the atonement in Christ, the person and the work of the Holy Spirit, hearing God's voice and discovering your calling. We always aim at concreteness and interaction. The meetings may vary from one-day events to several-day missions.

We also help churches and organizations arrange specific retreats with the purpose of deepening the participants' identity as children of God. The Retreat combines basic elements of our Christian life such as worship, Bible study, prayer and fellowship in a way that promotes a twofold communion: interaction with others as well as personal encounter with the Holy Spirit. In order to accommodate this dual approach, our retreats have the following characteristics:

Teachings are practical, interactive and focused, and they are followed by in-depth discussions.

Worship is considered an integral part of the retreat.

Listening through prayer is practiced and exercised.

The program is kept light and simple, allowing the participants to also have time for personal devotions and rest during the day.

At the retreats we concentrate on the topics presented in our books Children of God and Returning to Grace. The main themes are: God as our Father, the atonement and forgiveness in Christ, the work of the Holy Spirit, and the faith and trust in God. The retreat provides an excellent opportunity to go deep into these subjects, being mutually encouraged by each other's faith. And while this retreat is definitely not a silent one, it still gives you plenty of time to process the teaching, too.

This gathering works best for a group of 20 to 40 participants, and it's length is usually two to four days. It suits everyone but it can be aimed at different target groups as well. The ideal setting would obviously be a quiet retreat center, secluded by nature. Full-time attendance is required.

The retreat is an oasis that may well become a real turning point for you, in the middle of your busy daily life.